What does twentysixtyseven mean to you?

Saturday, November 13, 2004

day one

I don't know why it took me so long to get started blogging. I remember experimenting with it back in 2000 at 302 Summit Ave. in Brighton, MA. I put up a few days worth of info on some website somewhere and then never bothered again.

I've always wanted to set up a webcam to take a daily picture of me so I could look back and watch me "grow up" like a flip book. I've thought of having a webcam just take a picture around 00:30 every night when I'm most likely in front of my home computer. But I never got around to it, like most of the ideas I have. At least now I'll have a "log" recording all of these ideas of mine.


Blogger obscurity said...

Welcome to blogging. I just started a couple days before the election. For some reason, a bunch of people came to my site from yours today ... so I thought I'd drop in to say hi. Check out my site too http://civan93-politicalrants.blogspot.com

11:00 PM


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